Steve Adams is the Founder and CEO of Tiger Performance Institute as well as the author of Unleash the Peak Performer Within You and The Passionate Entrepreneur. As a veteran entrepreneur and former corporate banker, Steve is passionate about building and scaling organizations through disciplined execution, direct-response marketing, and culture creation. His mission is to help other entrepreneurs grow in their performance.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Steve Adams shares his experience going through a personalized medicine program
- Common health problems high-achieving entrepreneurs encounter
- Medical approaches to treat health issues
- Steve talks about the eight health habits health coaches encourage
- The importance of managing your heart rate variability (HRV)
- The three sciences they incorporate at Tiger Medical Institute
- How long did it take Steve to heal?
In this episode…
Are you feeling depleted and worried about your health? What can you do to take ownership of your health and well-being?
Many high-achieving entrepreneurs face stress and anxiety, which yields medical problems that traditional medicine can’t treat. Being a victim of the same, Steve Adams struggled to find answers to health issues he was experiencing. In an effort to take charge of his health, he sought after a medical professional who was willing to diverge from traditional medicine. The treatment plan they created was personalized and customized for Steve to target his specific health issues. Since beginning his customized treatment, he is functioning at his best. Proper guidance and education will not only decrease the likelihood of illness, but strengthen your overall health.
In this episode of the Tiger Performance Podcast, Chad Franzen of Rise25 sits down with Steve Adams, the Founder and CEO of Tiger Performance Institute, to discuss the best way for high-achieving entrepreneurs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Steve shares his experience going through a personalized medicine program, common health problems high-achieving entrepreneurs encounter, medical approaches to treat these issues, and the eight health habits Tiger health coaches encourage. Thanks for listening!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Steve Adams on LinkedIn
- Steve Adams’ Email: sadams [at] tigerpi [dot] com
- Tiger Performance Institute
- Unleash The Peak Performer Within You by Steve Adams
- The Passionate Entrepreneur: Essential Building Blocks for Entrepreneurial Success by Steve Adams
- EOS Entrepreneurial Operating System
- Tiger Performance Institute, Decode 2.0
- Chad Franzen on LinkedIn
- Rise25
- The Institute for Functional Medicine
- Mayo Clinic
- Cleveland Clinic
- Riordan Clinic
- Hotze Health & Wellness Center
Sponsor for this episode…
This episode is brought to you by Tiger Performance Institute.
At Tiger Performance Institute, we help high achievers eliminate burnout, stress, and sleepless nights using our Tiger Flow Method.
The Tiger Flow Method is a precise, DNA-based approach to performance and health optimization that helps high achievers all over the world reach a state of peak performance and focus — what we like to call “flow.”
At Tiger Performance Institute, we know that maintaining a state of flow drastically increases your productivity, creativity, skill acquisition, and so much more every single day.
That’s why we created The Tiger Flow Method—an integrated training program that helps you implement high-flow habits at work and at home.
So, what are you waiting for?
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Episode Transcript
Intro 0:06
Welcome to the Tiger Performance Podcast where we feature high-achieving entrepreneurs and coaches and share their performance journeys. Now, let’s get started with the show.
Steve Adams 0:20
Steve Adams here founder and CEO of Tiger Medical Institute, I’m the host of the Tiger performance Podcast where I interview thought leaders and experts about their specialized knowledge, they can offer the world to help us all live better. Okay, it’s time to acknowledge our sponsor for today’s episode, and that is the Tiger Medical Institute. Our focus is on the mid-career dental professional C-suite executive and entrepreneur, many of whom are depleted and not showing up as the best version of themselves. The Tiger system is a personalized root cause approach to health optimization. The Tiger system is a one-year health transformation journey, empowering you to experience the best possible health to achieve the goals and experiences in life you want most. Visit today to learn more. Okay, we’re going to flip the script today here today I am with my co-host, Chad Franzen who is going to interview me. Chad, welcome to the Tiger Performance Podcast.
Chad Franzen 1:19
Hey, thank you so much, Steve. It’s great to be here. Before we get started, I will introduce today’s guest, which is the regular host of the show Steve Adams, the founder and CEO of Tiger Medical Institute. Steve is a former corporate banker and veteran entrepreneur. His passion lies in building and scaling organizations through disciplined execution, direct response marketing, and culture creation that leads to extraordinary client experiences. Steve grew up in Lansing, Michigan as the son of an auto worker, he went on to university and became the first college graduate and MBA in his family. He is the author of Passionate Entrepreneur and Unleashing The Peak Performer Within You, Steve and his team grew his first venture to over 800 employees in six days, with revenues of over $100 million. In 2017, Steve began his own health transformation, leading to the development of Tiger Medical Institutes. His desire is that he would experience the life-changing impact of a health transformation as he has. Hey, Steve, thanks so much for having me today. How are you?
Steve Adams 2:21
Oh, Chad, thank you for interviewing me today and hosting me. So I’m excited to do the show from the other seat.
Chad Franzen 2:29
Yeah, we’re going to talk a little bit about common health problems of high-achieving entrepreneurs and professionals living in their middle age years. But before we do that, kind of tell me how you got interested in that, in your intro, I alluded to it a little bit. Tell me a little bit more about your own personal journey.
Steve Adams 2:46
Sure. My last company, I was in it for 21 years started with one store and it grew over 40 units, had a great team, great partners. And the process of building that company, I took care of everybody else except me. And I kind of hit a wall from a health and energy standpoint. And I really needed to change. And so I sold my shares to my partners, and I took some time off. And in the process of taking some time off. I met who is now the Chief Medical Officer of Tiger Medical Institute, Dr. Matt McNamee. And he said he could help me. And so he kind of reverse-engineered and rebuilt me from the ground up using an approach to medicine I had never experienced before. And I want to say something now it’s really important. Everything I say, there’s no intent, in my heart to say anything negative about all the hard working MDs and DOs who are practicing allopathic and osteopathic medicine out there, they do a lot of great work. There’s just a different approach for a different set of problems. And so that’s how I got into this business. So when I started feeling better. Dr. McNamee said, he really wanted to, his dream was to create a different kind of clinic where he could work with fewer people and make a bigger impact on their life. And I was looking for a new business because I was too young to retire. And so that’s how we started Tiger Medical Institute was through that experience.
Chad Franzen 4:18
Wow, awesome. Hey, what was your kind of, you eventually moved on from what you were doing. But what was your initial reaction to feeling kind of this distress and kind of overload was it to move on right away? Or was it to do something else?
Steve Adams 4:33
No, it was a slow kind of unfolding answer. But honestly, what I was experiencing was just total physical and mental exhaustion. Because yeah, I didn’t understand at the time, but I was living in stress response mode all the time. And a lot of people in our modern 21st-century culture are living there. And it’s like going down road with your gas pedal to the floor with the other foot on the brakes. And what’s that going to do Chad to your car, if you do that, it’s gonna wear it out pretty quick, pretty quick. And that’s what we’re doing to our bodies, it’s the same, it’s the direct analogy, and that’s what it was happening to me. And so over time, I was becoming more and more anxious, had more mood problems, I was retaining a lot of weight around the center of my body, because when you have elevated stress, you have elevated cortisol, which causes you to store fat in the center of your body. I had a lot of problems with acid reflux, I was losing motivation. And so a lot of common things. And I’ve talked to every person that works with Tiger medical now, and they all say the same thing sent me similar, and we can unpack more of this later. But so those were the kinds of things I was feeling and, and it was really shaking my confidence, shaking my outlook on life. And I was fearful that I was going to get sick, and maybe not live as long as I could, and here’s the problem. And again, this is why I said the qualifier up front, I’m not trying to say anything negative about our Western medical system, but it’s really based on sick care. It does a phenomenal job once you’re sick of trying to bring you back to some level of stability. But I wasn’t technically sick, I just was, like, depleted, like I said, in the open. And all my labs would show up, everything’s normal. And so they would say, we don’t have an answer for you. And that was frustrating. And I didn’t know where to turn. And so that’s why we started Tiger was we wanted to give people an answer to that. I don’t know where to turn.
Chad Franzen 6:51
Sure. So you mentioned some of the symptoms that you’re experiencing, why don’t you tell me maybe some of the common health problems of people like yourself, who are high-achieving entrepreneurs, or high achieving professionals in kind of the middle-aged years of their life.
Steve Adams 7:04
What we see with everybody is stress is like, through the roof. And here’s the thing, we don’t tell people will eliminate their stress, we teach them how to have a new relationship with it, and how to self-regulate through it, that’s the key because you can’t stop all the things that are coming at you. You know what I mean. So stress is one, number two, most of them are not sleeping well, because of the stress, then that affects your ability of your body to like, get into a restful state. So they’re not sleeping well. Therefore, because of those two things, they’re retaining body fat. Something like 90% of our clients come in with insulin resistance. So that’s the precursor to pre-diabetes and diabetes. We also see Commonly, people are pretty anxious. And that’s really because of their autonomic nervous system is out of balance. And that’s really what’s driving that. We also see people have the fatigue mentally and physically, we see a lot of low libido problems and sexual dysfunction. And then another big one, we see a lot of people are getting very concerned about their cognitive health. They have a first degree relative mom or dad who had Alzheimer’s or dementia or they’re just concerned about the risk overall, because that’s like a worst nightmare for most people is if they get something like that. So I mean, there’s more. I mean, I could go on and on. But those are the biggies that seem to show up with a lot of people that they don’t have easy answers. And so they require a different approach to medicine.
Chad Franzen 8:48
Do you think it’s an appropriate response to say, oh, that’s just part of turning 45 or turning 50?
Steve Adams 8:55
I don’t know that it’s an appropriate response. But it’s a typical response. A lot of people just accept it as well. I’m just aging. Okay. And that is true somewhat. Because one of the things I learned, in my research for my book, Unleash The Peak Performer Within You. I studied a preeminent endocrinologist and he said that stress is cumulative. So, we measure something called heart rate variability. It’s like a really important biometric for your whole body overall health score, and that reflects the cumulative stress load on your body since you were born. Okay. And what happens is, as people they go to college in their 20s go to grad school, if that’s the path for professionals or even business people, and they start their families, they go through all that stress, they have a lot of debt, they work that debt down, they start to build some wealth, but by the time they hit 50 say, there’s been a lot of accumulated mileage on that body, and if they haven’t managed stress well, if they haven’t slept well, if they haven’t eaten well, if they haven’t moved, some of the basics, it starts to show up in their biology. And that’s why the CDC says 60%, so six in 10 of American adults, that’s 100 million adults in America have a chronic disease. And of those 60%, 40% have more than two, a huge indictment on how we’re living. So yeah, but it doesn’t have to be the answer. Okay, you don’t have to take that sitting down, you can do something about it. That’s the message of Tiger medical.
Chad Franzen 10:42
So what are some ways that people who are dealing with that can kind of change things up? Or how can they get help?
Steve Adams 10:48
Right? So that’s a big problem is because what we do is so little known, a common problem is people know that something’s wrong, they don’t know what it is, and they don’t really know what their options are. Okay? So kind of what I’m going to do now is I’m gonna walk people who are listening in how to make this decision, because, look, what we do is not a fit for everyone. Okay? So I want to make sure that I give value to people who are listening who are at different levels of ages, and social economics, capability and all of that. So, level one is, first of all, you want to compare medical approaches. So the traditional western approach to medicine is, bring you in, diagnose it, code it, and then typically, it is going to be a prescription drug. Or maybe there’s an intervention, like a scope or surgery or something. Okay, I’m not saying any of that’s bad. That’s just how it’s done. Okay? Doctors, and one of my best friend is a physician for 30 some years, 37 years. And he said, he is very limited in what he can do based on the payers, government and insurance companies. Okay, so if we want to create a villain here, that’s down, okay. So if you work with a primary care physician, you just have to understand that they’re going to be limited in what they can do. Okay? Now, they can do some good things. So if you are in a position where you need insurance to cover things, and you do not have the discretionary income to go beyond that, then work with your local doctor, explain what your issues are, and see what they can do for you. So that’s kind of level one. Now, there’s another approach that’s called Functional Medicine, which is a root cause approach. Okay, so if allopathic and osteopathic is more, let’s diagnose and treat with a particular strategy, what functional medicine is, let’s do testing and establish a baseline of where you are, and go to the root cause and treat it more programmatically like more broadly. Okay. So what people can do is they can go to, which is the Institute for Functional Medicine, and they can find a local functional medicine provider in their community typically. Okay. That’s one of the fastest-growing segments in healthcare today. But I will tell you that they typically do not accept insurance. And so you have to be in a position to invest some additional dollars. And so if you’ve got some additional dollars that you can invest, but not a lot, I think that’s a good choice. All right. And so maybe one more little bow on top with this question is, the other way to look at it is one is a disease detection model. And the other one is more of a health optimization. Functional is more health optimization, preventative proactive. Okay, so that’s kind of like the first cut. Chad, did you want to ask any follow up questions on that before I go further?
Chad Franzen 13:51
Just, is there one, so that you’ve got maybe a little extra expense, you’ve got the insurance coverage? Is there another one beyond that, where you’re like, I’m ready to make a full-blown investment?
Steve Adams 14:03
Yeah. So that’s where you go into, okay, now, we’re going to look at more national providers. Okay. And what you want to do there is also think about an understand before you do a national provider, are you in a position financially, where you can invest in a total kind of a comprehensive approach, okay, because if you can’t do that, if you need to pay a little bit at a time that I’d say stay local with a functional doctor, okay? But if you’re in a position where you can invest significant sums and be a health investor, that’s what we call somebody that instead of a health care consumer after you’re sick, be an investor ahead of time. Now you can look at national and so here, what we want to do is break that down and say, Are they an event-driven provider? Or are they a process-driven provider? Okay, so let’s start breaking these down Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, two of the biggest names and executive health kind of personalized medicine. Because now when you go national, that’s what you’re talking about is more of a customized approach to you. Those two are outstanding. They’re an allopathic model, they are doing a disease detection, they’re going to do all kinds of scans and tests, and they’re going to be able to tell you definitively, you’re not sick, you’re okay. And the other thing about that it’s an event, you come, you spend a couple of days there you meet a lot of people, they give you a lot of information, it’s phenomenal. That can be a really good solution for people if that’s what they’re concerned about, okay? If you have all these things that we’re talking about, I would encourage you to look at somebody who’s more of a functional root cause approach provider, but also they’re more of a process-driven system, okay. And this is where if you go to places like Riordan clinic and Hotze clinic, Hotze is in Houston, Texas, Riordan is in Wichita, Kansas, they are more functional in nature. But both of them stop short of a process. It’s more of again, it’s an event, you come you do a lot of testing, they give you the output. What I found, in my experience, Chad was that if and I’ve asked a lot of other people who’ve gone to those programs was did anything change? And the answer was no. Because changing our habits as it relates to how we eat and how we move is hard work. And we and I’m just telling people, they won’t do it. Okay, most people won’t do it unless they get a bad diagnosis, right. So this is where our model comes in. Because what we are is we’re a functional provider. So we go root cause. And we also are a process, we’re a one-year process. So you actually get all of the data, but then you get a doctor, breaking it down and saying, This is what we’re going to focus on over the course of the year. And we give you a health coach who’s going to then help you make the habit changes you need to make and implement his treatment plan for a year, because that’s it’s going to take all of that to get your habits changed. So that’s the difference in the tiger medical.
Chad Franzen 17:27
So what are some examples of changes that a coach would take somebody through?
Steve Adams 17:32
Sure. So we have something we call the eight health habits, okay, I’ll just list them here. I’m not afraid of sharing them, because I know people won’t do them unless they have help doing it, but some will. But so this is kind of in the order, we implement them. Number one, we do diaphragmic breathing, which is a way to build and improve your heart rate variability. I can unpack that in a minute if you’d like. So diaphragmic breathing, what that does is it disconnects the stress response and resets you and their balance and recovery. Okay, so really important. That’s first thing we focus on. The next thing we focus on is getting you into a regular meditation practice. And we start very small baby steps. Because when you learn how to focus on now and not worry about the future, or ruminating about the past that helps you not get into stress response and makes you calmer. Third thing is we optimize your sleep. And this is a multi-layered process. But by meditating and distressing, your sleep will improve right away. And then we also do some things, sleep hygiene oriented that teach you fundamentals of getting good night’s sleep that will help you okay. The fourth one is called time-restricted eating. This synchronizes your digestive circadian clock with your brain’s circadian clock. And it helps set your body up for sleep at night, because when you’re sleeping, believe it or not, your body’s doing a lot of work, restorative work. The fifth one is hydration. The sixth one is daily movement. The seventh one is targeted, precision supplementation based on your testing results with us. And then the last one is nutrition. We do that last because we can’t do it until we get all your data. So that’s what the coach does is help you implement all of those habits in addition to any specifics that the doctor is emphasizing from all of your testing.
Chad Franzen 19:23
So what does a coach do? I mean, it isn’t like hardcore, like, I’m holding you accountable. What is your interaction with a coach? What does that look like?
Steve Adams 19:33
So every two weeks for a year, they meet for 30 minutes, and they celebrate wins the first part of the call, because we’re big on the game, not on what the gap is between ideal and now we focus on encouraging you like hey, you’re winning, you’re doing something you weren’t doing before you started. That’s first step. And then we talk about what is it that you want to focus on next, like here’s what’s next in our program. And how does that sound? Let me explain it to you. And what do you think the barriers are going to be to you starting? And so we break down the barriers. And one of them is I just remembering, so we try to tie a prompt like, so example is when people we tell them breathe five minutes in the morning doing our breathing program. And we say, do you have coffee to do? Yeah, so when you hit your coffeemaker button, stop and breathe for five minutes while it’s brewing. So we tie that with something they’re already doing to the new habit. So we do that we find out what their barriers are. And then we say, okay, what are we going to measure? Like, what’s the goal between now and the next call? What do you want us to hold you accountable on? And then that’s kind of how the call goes. So it’s wins. What’s next? What’s the goal? Here’s what we’re going to hold you accountable on. Plus, they have fun, they get to know each other really well.
Chad Franzen 20:53
Sure. Yeah. Sounds great. Hey, you mentioned heart rate variability, can you kind of define that and talk about why it’s important, I go to a chiropractor, who measures mine, and then we just do my adjustment, and I never really find anything else about it.
Steve Adams 21:07
So again, it’s an overall indicator of your body’s health and kind of load it’s under. And the simple things to know is as you get older, it gets lower because it reflects the accumulated life impact that’s been on your body. And so what we try to do is, there’s no defined number we’re looking for with our clients, what we’re looking for is an upward trend. And then we also teach the client we use an aura ring. So we have all this great health data on a daily basis. And we teach them to learn what the ring is telling them every day, when they see their HRV scores go up and down. Ask yourself, what did you do the night before, invariably, after about three months, they can tell us yep, this will make my HRV better, this is what hurts it. And they start to make these little course corrections. And they start this nice trend upward. So what it is, is it’s basically the timing differences between the beats. And what you want is you want variability, you don’t want to like a steady rhythmic heartbeat, you want variability. And the best way for me to explain this is through a simple analogy. If you have low HRV, you have like a old brittle rubber band that soon as you pull on it, it snaps. When you have good HRV high HRV, you have a big flexible rubber band. And it’s a metaphor for your heart needs to be flexible to take on the variable challenges of life, life doesn’t come out of some simple steady state, it’s all over the place, right? And so the more resilient you are, the better HRV you have. And it’s interesting nine of the 10 leading causes of death correlate with low HRV. And mental health problems are correlated with low HRV. Because people can’t cope. So we have all this, we know the strategies to help you build a better positive HRV. And by doing so you’re automatically lowering your all-cause mortality rate. So that’s HRV.
Chad Franzen 23:06
Okay, so, so you talked about kind of three, three options, we got kind of the traditional Western medicine option for people who are experiencing stress, you got kind of a manageable financial options.
Steve Adams 23:23
Local medicine option. Yep.
Chad Franzen 23:24
Yeah. And then we have the advanced option, which is more what the Tiger Performance Institute would help out with, can you give me some more specific examples of what that middle option looks like? Like I mentioned the chiropractor? Is that what that is? Or is there something else?
Steve Adams 23:39
Well, I mean, so a middle option is you can do a little bit of this and a little bit of that with different providers. And none of that’s bad if that’s what you can afford, and you can get results from it. When you start talking to Mayo and Cleveland and Hotze and Riordan and Tiger, you’re saying I want more of a comprehensive solution. And what I’m saying is that the people, those other organizations do great work. And they are comprehensive. But we believe that behavior change is a big part of this. And we built that and the people that I told you about there, they don’t do that. Okay, we have that process where we go to the nth degree with people, but also we do it from a root cause. Now there’s one other thing I need to tell you that also makes us very unique, is we integrate three branches of medicine. Okay, or science. The first one is peak performance science. That’s heart rate variability, and it’s breathing and sleep. Okay. So we do that. The second pillar of science is our core root cause functional medicine, approach to medicine. Now we do this at a very advanced level, let me unpack that for you. What that means is, we’re doing very in-depth genetic testing, hormone testing, gut biome testing, micronutrient testing, we’re doing a blood flow brain scan, we’re doing cardiovascular screening, we’re also doing something we call a sirix array, which is looking at your gut biome and looking at markers for cognitive disease markers. We’re also measuring where you are from a cognitive performance now to establish a baseline that can tell us basically whether or not you’re already into cognitive decline, and you don’t know it. So we do all that testing, these are not the kind of things that a local provider is going to do. Okay. Not in that comprehensive way. The third level, the third area of Sciences, our clinic has been certified by Dr. Dale Bredesen is a professor at UCLA, he spent 40 years studying Alzheimer’s, how it comes on and how you can treat it. And he has proven through studies, how you can prevent. And so we’re a Certified Clinical that and so all of our clients get assessed for their risk for cardiac disease, and if they have elevated risk, they actually go into an enhanced set of protocols. And if they follow them, we can go a long way toward making sure they never get that. And right now, about 10% of our clients in our program actually are in that state. None of them knew it. So it’s exciting, we’re going to be able to have a serious impact on their life. So that’s kind of how I would say the big program is those three branches of science, integrated with the health habits and the coaching.
Chad Franzen 27:00
And you have kind of already experienced a lot of this journey yourself.
Steve Adams 27:04
I have I live the message Chad, I do the eight health habits every day, I feel better than I did when I was in my 30s. That doesn’t mean I’m going to live forever or anything. All it means is, is that our goal is to help you extend your health span, meaning the number of years that you are disease free and mobile and active with your kids and your grandkids. We don’t make any longevity guarantees nobody can and if they do run from them, because you know what I mean? Nobody knows when something can hit that is rare or an outlier. What we’re trying to do is help create an inner biology in your body that optimizes your immune system and puts you in a best position fight that stuff off for as long as possible.
Chad Franzen 27:50
Was there a time like, where you just like, wow, I feel better? Was it a month later, two months later, what was that like?
Steve Adams 27:58
For me, the biggest one, I felt a big change when I started doing HRV work. So initially, I learned how to distress on demand. And that made me sleep better. So automatically, I started to feel better, my energy was better. But what really, there were two more places that I took the next step and one I had a 25-year battle with reflux, and with a low-grade level of blue moods, maybe borderline depression and anxiety. And I don’t mind sharing that because I want people to feel free to share it because they can get help. And what I learned through the testing was the answers to all of that was in my genetics. Dr. McNamee found that I genetically do not have optimal performance and creating serotonin and dopamine, which are critical to your mood and your motivation and how you feel. And so he was able to treat that with supplementation. And within two weeks that was gone. So that was a big milestone. The other thing is, genetically, I hang on to stress longer than most people. So I doubled my distressing practices. And he also found a link to that to why I had IBS and reflux. And he found genetically I also don’t break down starch. So as soon as I eliminated starches, and he treated the deficiency and enzyme deficiency I had from the stress, my gut healed, my inflammation levels went down 500% that all happened in the course of about three months. And I went off all medication and I have no reflux anymore. I have no GI issues, no cramping no IVs it’s just wonderful. And I spent 25 years, every other day feeling lousy in my GI, and I just learned to accept it. And then I couldn’t get an answer with the traditional system, I had to take the purple pill and they were doing scopes and there was just nothing found. It was in that root cause of I was poisoning myself every day with my food choices.
Chad Franzen 30:06
Wow. That’s all very, very, very interesting, informative stuff. Is there anything else we should know then about kind of helping high-achieving entrepreneurs and professionals deal with some of this stuff?
Steve Adams 30:17
Well, I would say, if you’re out there, and you’re wondering, how can I, if you’re hearing yourself and my story and what I’ve shared, go to, we have something called a learning center. And there are articles and videos that are there that you can watch that will help you with some of this stuff. You can also email me at sadams [at] tigerpi [dot] com, we have two companies right now we’re merging the brands, but sadams [at] tigerpi [dot] com and I will share more videos with you that can explain some of this stuff. Because there is a path back to that. But the biggest thing is, I tried today to give you somewhat of a filter to kind of figure out what you’re a best fit for. And I can share more videos and articles that I help you really dig into that if you reach out to me or go to our website. But if you’re someone who has had a level of success, you can invest some significant sums in your health for a year, like for one year of your life, and you are ready for change and you’re committed and you’re willing to be coached and held accountable, then I think you’d be a really good fit for us. If you’re not ready for some of that stuff, I’d say wait. Or if you’re in a situation where you have acute illnesses, and you need local, very close care by a doctor, then we can’t work, because we’re not primary care. We’re healthcare consultants. So did I answer your question?
Chad Franzen 31:52
Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely. I guess, last question for you, I can tell that you’re incredibly passionate about this. Is this because of your experience in life? Or are you just passionate about all your endeavors?
Steve Adams 32:04
Well, I am about everything, because that’s how I’m wired. But I am particularly with this. Here’s why. Because I’m showing up every day now is the best version of myself. And when you take care of yourself, and this is like, one of our core messages is if you become patient, number one, like make yourself patient number one, because most achievers what they do is they make themselves last they take care of everybody around them first. I mean, almost everybody does this any kind of a leader. And I understand we have books that say leaders eat last. But this isn’t selfish to take care of yourself, because it’s like on the airplane, when they tell us if you got a child put the air mask on you first so that you’re alive to put it on your kid. It’s the same idea. I want to get this message out that if you can make yourself patient number one, you can show up the best version of yourself at the time in life, when you have the most wisdom the most experienced. You’re in a position to influence the most people and have the biggest impact. But you can’t because the body that you’re in is falling apart. And the way I look at it, we talk about changing the world, one person at a time with our company, because if we help everybody we work with show up the best version of themselves, that’s going to have this ripple effect around that person’s life is going to make their relationships better, their business better, everything around them better. So that’s why I’m passionate.
Chad Franzen 33:29
Yeah. Wow. Sounds great. Hey, Steve, it’s been great to talk to you. I really appreciate you letting me be part of the podcast today.
Steve Adams 33:36
Oh, you’re welcome, Chad. Thank you.
Chad Franzen 33:38
Thank you.
Outro 33:44
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