Defeat Burnout, Stress & 

Sleepless Nights With The

Tiger Flow Method

Defeat Burnout, Stress & 

Sleepless Nights With The

Tiger Flow Method

There are no quick shortcuts...

But with the Tiger Flow Method,

you can have a year full of exponential transformation.

For a limited time...

There are no quick shortcuts...

But with the Tiger Flow Method,

you can have a year full of

exponential transformation.

For a limited time...

Step 1:


In Synchronize, you will work directly with your Certified Tiger Performance Coach to learn practical, easy-to-implement strategies for improving your overall autonomic nervous system through HRV and sleep optimization.

Step 1:


In Synchronize, you will work directly with your Certified Tiger Performance Coach to learn practical, easy-to-implement strategies for improving your overall autonomic nervous system through sleep optimization and heart rate variability (HRV) training.

Synchronize benefits

Sleep Optimization

You will learn how to optimize your sleep environment, timing of calorie intake and exercise all to align to your circadian rhythm and digestive clocks. You also learn the architecture of sleep cycles and how to optimize them for performance.

Heart Rate Variability Training

A heart with poor variability is like an old, worn down rubber-band that does not have much capacity to stretch and flex.  However, with improved HRV, the heart, like a new rubber-band, can easily flex and adapt to the demands of daily living.

Online Resources

Utilize our Synchronize online course so you can learn more about sleep, heart rate variability and more! Then go back to review anything you may have missed or forgotten.

Utilize our online Synchronize course so you can learn more about sleep, heart rate variability and more! Then go back to review anything you may have missed or forgotten.

Health Benefits

Benefits of sleep optimization & HRV are known to be:

  • Improved learning and memory
  • Sustained energy and greater focus
  • Reduced risk of cognitive decline
  • Emotional well-being and control
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Gained clarity, calmness, and control

Step 2:


Next, your personal Tiger Performance Coach will help you eliminate interference from imbalances in your brain wave activity.  Neurofeedback training combined with heart rate variability will help you build upon your foundation for peak performance from Synchronize to take you to the next level.

Step 2:


Next, your personal Tiger Performance Coach will help you eliminate interference from imbalances in your brain wave activity.  Neurofeedback training combined with heart rate variability will help you build upon your foundation for peak performance from Synchronize to take you to the next level.

Mobile neurofeedback

Our training program uses a headset containing EEG sensors to measure your brain's activity and determine your current mental state. An application on your phone or tablet connects to the headset and utilizes a game, video, or audio to train your brain to be in a focused state of mind. This is all influenced by your real-time brain activity.

Personalized reporting

Use the app on your phone or tablet to gain insights into your training sessions so you can receive instant feedback on your progress. Your Performance Coach will help you interpret the data so you know exactly what your progress means.

Step 3:


Optimize builds on the work in Synchronize to fine tune your physiology and build a platform that can help you attain productivity breakthroughs by achieving a flow state, which drives elite performance.

Step 3:


Optimize builds on the work in Synchronize & Neurotrain to fine tune your physiology and build a platform that can help you attain productivity breakthroughs by achieving a flow state, which drives elite performance.

How does it work and why do you need it?

Poor physiology inhibits one's ability to achieve flow states. So through our functional medicine program, we teach you to incorporate personalized habits, based on your DNA testing, to build your platform for elite performance.

A person’s energy levels and their ability to sustain high performance throughout the day, week and over years, is highly correlated to their current state of physiological health. A Tiger doctor will look into your physiological health on a deeper level through the DNA test and create a personalized plan for you. Then your Performance Coach will help you implement these habits on a regular basis.

optimize benefits

DNA Testing

Do an accurate DNA test from the comfort of your own home so you don't have take time away from your busy schedule to go to a testing lab.

Doctor Calls

Have several calls with a Tiger doctor to go over your DNA testing and see how you can gain new insight into your peak performance.

Habit Implementation

Implement doctor recommended habits with help from your personal Tiger Performance Coach.

optimize benefits

DNA Testing

Do an accurate DNA test from the comfort of your own home so you don't have to take time away from your busy schedule to go to a testing lab.

Doctor Calls

Have several calls with a Tiger doctor to go over your DNA testing and see how you can gain new insight into your peak performance.

Habit Implementation

Implement doctor recommended habits with help from your personal Tiger Performance Coach.

Step 4:

Get In The Zone

performance through flow

Step 4:

Get In The Zone

performance through flow

Change your life by applying habits that consistently get you

in the zone so you can perform at your best!

An Online Course with Coaching

An Online Course with Coaching

Get In The Zone is our signature 3-module, online course that is all about transforming you from shallow, average, low-value work, born out of distraction and sub-optimal brain and body function, to deep, preeminent work that the market places a high value on. During the Tiger Flow Method program, you will go through the course with your Performance Coach so that you can have the experts at hand to help guide your transformation.

Simply put, Get In The Zone helps you feel and work at your best.

Get In the zone - 1

Master Time & Distraction

  • The Great Restructuring
  • Deep v Shallow Work
  • The Performance Formula
  • Elite Performance Psychology
  • Cognitive Load & Time Perception
  • Defeating Addiction To Distraction
  • And More...

Get in the zone - 2

Victory Over Stress

  • Cultivating Momentum & Motivation
  • Neuroscience Of The Zone Triggers
  • Gaining Clarity
  • Goal Stacking For Improbable Achievement
  • Mapping Your Day For Peak Performance
  • Preventing Burnout
  • And More...

get in the zone - 3

Harness Flow Performance

  • The Zone Cycle, Triggers & Blockers
  • Playing To Strengths
  • The Power Of Feedback
  • Turbo Day: The 1-Day Week
  • The Zone Checklist
  • And More...

Are you ready to begin your journey through the Tiger Flow Method?

For a limited time...